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You Ought to Be in Pictures: Add Fun to Your Newsletter with Photos Back

Photos are some of the easiest illustrations to obtain. You can purchase photos from various sources for use in your newsletter. But it is more fun to take them yourself. Even better, let your readers submit photos to be included in your newsletter. Just place a notice in your newsletter asking your readers to provide pictures of a new baby, a couple’s anniversary photo, or even items they want to sell in your newsletter’s classified section. Adding photos is a great way to personalize your publication and to add some fun, too!

The same rule for using clipart applies—bigger is better. Readers want to be able to see what is in your picture clearly. Even pictures that seems to be less than perfect can be used in your newsletter. It is easy to crop background elements out, or to enhance the look of a photo. If you have any questions on the suitability of a photo for use in your newsletter, let us know and we will assist you with tips and suggestions on photo use.

Digital cameras make it even easier to take pictures that are easy to use in your newsletter. Instead of having to take, develop, and have your photographs scanned, you can now just shoot your picture. Then, simply drop the image into your word processing or page layout program. If you plan to include photographs in each issue of your newsletter, purchasing a digital camera may be a good solution for you. And as they become even more popular, their price continues to fall.

At your next event, hand out disposable cameras to attendees and collect them before everyone leaves. You’ll have a great collection of photos to choose from. Display the extras in your office, and let everyone take home a reminder of the event when they come in to visit.


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